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In this episode of FEPS Talks we welcome Sergei Stanishev, who is leaving the European Parliament after ten years. He summarises his insights gathered as a MEP, but also as the President of the Party of European Socialists, a position he held between 2011 and 2022.

He assesses the EP election outcome from a socialist perspective, and reflects on the evolution of EU social democratic politics over the recent decades. The conversation reaches out to topics including the Green Deal, migration, as well as the prospects of creating peace in Eastern Europe again.

Stanishev concludes the podcast by outlining political tasks and strategic priorities for the upcoming period. Stanishev reminds the listeners that originally, social democracy faced the rise of industial capitalism, which had to be reformed. Today, the mission is to tame the formidable technological and economic trasformations, and put them in the service of the people.

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In the media

Controversial Hungarian Gets EU Health Portfolio Nomination

by Medscape Medical News 18/09/2024
Read this article on the controversial appointment of Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi by Ursula von der Leyen as Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare—a candidacy strongly questioned by László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

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by Encompass 23/07/2024
Listen to this podcast featuring László Andor, Secretary General of FEPS, and Paul Adamson, Founder of Encompass, as they explore the rise and impact of Viktor Orban and the shifting power dynamics in the European Parliament.

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

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by Austria Presse Agentur 28/05/2024
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