
COP26 needs to be about the redistribution of material wealth!

For this year’s COP26 conference in Glasgow on climate change, the host, the UK and […]

Bringing the Green Deal home

The EU Green Deal is the next big step in decarbonising our economies. But it […]

Towards COP26: beyond declarations, smart actions with real impact are needed

Over 120 governments have announced their intentions to bring emissions to zero by the middle […]

Three solutions for a European climate and jobs pact

This Call is launched by over 700 leading youth climate activists, climate scientists, unionists, economists, environmentalists, entrepreneurs and politicians from all 27 members States, with support from over 1 million citizens (and counting).

The path forward is green

As politicians, we need to treat societal challenges in a holistic way. Therefore, we need to search synergies between COVID-19 recovery and the Green Deal instead of playing them off against each other.

Money for nature: bridging the green funding gap

For projects which do provide public value, but which are not financially bankable, public finance must be unlocked.