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Recovery Watch series

How place-sensitive are the NRRPs?

Recovery Watch series

The Portuguese Government Solution: The Fourth Way to Social-Democratic Politics?

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Progressive Post

🇵🇹 A Portuguese victory to spark a European debate


Portugal: a Socialist loss

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In the media

Zapatero dice que tuvo peores manifestaciones en contra y ganó las elecciones

by El diario 30/01/2023
'Zapatero declares he had worse demonstrations against him and still won the election' Público article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Santos Silva alerta que extrema-direita “é uma doença que pode ser fatal para a democracia”

by Observador 30/01/2023
'Santos Silva warns that the far-right "is a disease that can be fatal for democracy"' Observador article on Santos Silva's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Santos Silva critica “lógica de descobrirmos roupa suja uns dos outros”

by Público 30/01/2023
'Santos Silva criticises "the mindset of airing each other's dirty laundry"' Público article on Santos Silva's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Zapatero prenuncia declínio da extrema-direita em Portugal como aconteceu em Espanha

by Diário de Notícias 30/01/2023
'Zapatero predicts a decline of the far-right in Portugal as it happened in Spain' Diário de Notícias article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Zapatero prenuncia declínio da extrema-direita em Portugal como aconteceu em Espanha

by Observador 30/01/2023
'Zapatero predicts a decline of the far-right in Portugal as it happened in Spain' Observador article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'
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Collaborative Laboratory for Labour, Employment and Social Protection (CoLABOR)
Mário Soares e Maria Barroso
Fundação Res Publica
Network and Team


Vice-President of the European Parliament


FEPS President