
Belarus – why it is different this time?

The former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski (1995-2005) has long been an advocate of regional cooperation […]

Belarus at the crossroad: what role for Europe?

President Alexander Lukashenko has lost legitimacy. He is no longer in control of the situation […]

From a symbolic to an effective foreign policy – the EU in Belarus

The EU’s institutional, economic and political channels to exert influence on Belarus are limited. All […]

The deeper causes of Belarusian popular mobilisation

The mass mobilisation in Belarus in 2020, like Ukraine’s 2004 Orange Revolution, is a form […]

Against the EU’s passivity towards Belarus

The mass protests in Belarus are unprecedented in the nation’s history. Hundreds of thousands of […]

Belarus’ painful path to transition

Belarus is in the deepest political crisis in its modern history. Public protests of hundreds […]

Belarus protests: the role of women and young people

The Belarusian writer, 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature winner, and one of my favourite authors […]