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Country Specific feasibility study of the Child Union initiative – Hungary

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Szeged, Hungary

Taxing the richest in the EU

For a just, social and green transition in Hungary
Budapest, Hungary

How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?

The cases of Hungary and Serbia

Election Debrief: Where is Hungary heading?

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Find all Progressive Post on Hungary
Progressive Post

How Fidesz undermines Hungarian support for the EU


At a time of war, the focus should have been on the needs of society

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FEPS celebrates 20 years of the biggest EU enlargement


FEPS stands with Zita Gurmai against persecution from Orban regime

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In the media

“Nem Brüsszel akar diktálni Magyarországnak, hanem Orbán Európának”

by Klubrádió 08/11/2024
"It is not Brussels that wants to dictate to Hungary, but Orbán to Europe" Hetes stúdió interview with FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, Birgit Sippel and Petra Bayr about the Call to Europe Hungary

Hogyan értékelte az ország uniós helyzetét a Call to Europe konferencia?

by Jelen 08/11/2024
'How did the Call to Europe Hungary conference evaluate the country's position in the EU?' Jelen's Podcast with FEPS Secretary General László Andor

Controversial Hungarian Gets EU Health Portfolio Nomination

by Medscape Medical News 18/09/2024
Read this article on the controversial appointment of Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi by Ursula von der Leyen as Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare—a candidacy strongly questioned by László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

EU-VÍZIÓ, Dull Szabolcs újságíró Andor Lászlóval beszélget

by MÚOSZ Magyar Újságírók Országos Szövetsége 11/04/2024
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the EU great Eastern enlargement, FEPS Secretary General László Andor talks, in this video interview to the Hungarian Journalists' Association, the functioning of the Commission and its further development.

A szmogtól és a mikroműanyagoktól rettegő magyarok akkor vehetők rá a zöldítésre, ha egyénileg jól járnak

by Qubit 22/05/2023
'Hungarians who fear smog and microplastics can be persuaded to go green if they are doing well individually' article about FEPS policy study 'Talking green in Hungary'Hungary', in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Policy Solutions
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Find all audiovisual on Hungary

‘Call to Europe Hungary’ Flickr album

‘How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?’ Flickr album

#25 FEPS Talks ‘For a free and green Budapest’

Esély Közösség (Community of Chance)
Foundation for a New Republic
Institute for Social Democracy (ISD)
Network and Team


Executive director at Equilibrium Institute

László ANDOR

FEPS Secretary General


FEPS Vice-President and ex-officio member
PES Women President