László ANDOR

FEPS Secretary General

László Andor is a Hungarian economist, and former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2010-2014). Since stepping down from the Commission, he has been head of department of economic policy at Corvinus University (Budapest), Senior Fellow at Hertie School of Governance (Berlin) and a visiting professor at ULB (Brussels) as well as Sciences Po (Paris). He also became member in various think tanks (EPC, RAND Europe, Friends of Europe) in an advisory capacity.

Between 1991 and 2005, Andor taught political science and economic policy in Budapest, and was editor of the progressive social science journal Eszmélet. He was also a regular columnist for the weekly business magazine Figyelő and the daily Népszava. He has authored, edited or co-edited a dozen books in Hungary, including on economic and political history, comparative economics and globalization. Andor has also taught at Rutgers (State University of New Jersey, USA) as Visiting Fulbright Professor (1997-8) and worked as an adviser for the World Bank on SAPRI (Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Initiative). He also worked as an adviser for the Budget Committee of the Hungarian Parliament (1998-9) and the Prime Minister’s Office (2002-5). From 2005 to 2010, he was a Member of the Board of Directors of the EBRD (London), representing the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia.

Andor holds a degree in Economic Sciences from Karl Marx (now Corvinus) University, an MA in Development Economics from the University of Manchester, and PhD from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1995). He was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa at Sofia University of National and World Economy and the Legion of Honour by the French President in 2014.

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Find all publications by László ANDOR

Next Left Vol. 15

Progressive Ambition: How to shape Europe in the next decade

Progressive Yearbook 2024

Looking back to look ahead

Europe and the war in Ukraine

From Russian aggression to a new Eastern policy

Next Left Vol. 14

Crisis and progressive politics: How to make hard choices and succeed?
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Find all Progressive Post by Next Left Vol. 14
Progressive Post

Europe, hold your nerves


Hungarians hide the pain


Europe’s revamping is underway


The wheels are coming off


Social investment is key to overcoming the inclusion impasse

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Find all events with László ANDOR
Académie Royale, Brussels

Supporting workers in the transitions and ensuring quality jobs

Forging the new EU agenda - High-level conference
FEPS HQ, Brussels (Hybrid)

State of the Unions

The US election: implications for the US, the EU and global politics
30 - 31/08/2024
Korčula, Croatia (Expert meeting)

The social dimension of enlargement

FEPS fringe event with FMS
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Find all news about László ANDOR

New European Commission composition proposal – Reaction by FEPS Secretary General


FEPS at the PES Election Congress in Rome


The EU at the time of the New Cold War

A manifesto signed by FEPS President and FEPS Secretary General
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Find all in the media about László ANDOR
In the media

Megadóztatná a szupergazdagokat? Ha igen, most tehet valamit

by Zöld Hang 04/10/2024
'Would you tax the super-rich? If so, you can do something now' Interview to FEPS Secretary General, László Andor on the 'Tax the rich' EU initiative by the Hungarian newspaper Zöld Hang.

The strategic periphery

by Chartist 23/09/2024
Read this article by FEPS Secretary General László Andor about the future of Europe, in which he compares today's geopolitical challenges to Karl Kautsky's 1914 "ultraimperialism" theory.

Controversial Hungarian Gets EU Health Portfolio Nomination

by Medscape Medical News 18/09/2024
Read this article on the controversial appointment of Hungarian Olivér Várhelyi by Ursula von der Leyen as Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare—a candidacy strongly questioned by László Andor, FEPS Secretary General

After the Laffer curve: taxing the rich, at last

by Social Europe 13/09/2024
In this article, FEPS Secretary General László Andor explains the relevance of a tax on great wealth to finance a Just Transition and address income inequalities. He also explains why it is time to retire the Laffer curve.

Warum eine US-Präsidentin Kamala Harris besser für Deutschland und Europa wäre

by Business News24 22/08/2024
'Why a US President Kamala Harris would be better for Germany and Europe' FEPS Secretary-General László Andor discusses the upcoming 2024 US Election
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Find all audiovisual with László ANDOR

Financing the green & social agenda with Matthias Kollatz

Reporting for a stronger economy with Iain Begg

‘FEPS Young Academics Network – Launch of the new cycle’ Flickr Album

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