Call for tender: FEPS Communication: Web migration, web design and punctual help on digital communications


FEPS Communication: Web migration, web design and punctual help on digital communications

Download the Call for tender in PDF 


FEPS is the only progressive think tank at European level. FEPS establishes an intellectual crossroad between social democracy and the European project, putting fresh thinking at the core of its action. As a platform for ideas and dialogue, FEPS works in close collaboration with social democratic organisations, and in particular national foundations and think tanks across Europe, to tackle the challenges that Europe faces today. FEPS embodies a new way of thinking on the social democratic, socialist and labour scene in Europe. Our main purpose is to nourish a fresh progressive dialogue through its research.



The main objective of this call is the migration of FEPS website ( from a private CMS to a public one and the redesign to provide a more modern, user friendly and up-to-date website. This would allow us to:

        Present our projects in a more clear, coherent and attractive way

        Promote our publications, make them easy to find and create a user friendly online database

        Advertise our network of experts

        Announce our events effectively


FEPS website has a very diverse audience: policy makers, academics, civil society, students, non affiliated citizens… so it has to be conceived for a broad public with different knowledge about the foundation.


Web migration and web management:

        Migration of the website a private CMS to a public one (Ex: WordPress)

        Assess and develop the re-designing of FEPS website focusing on usability, accessibility, quality of contents, ease of maintenance/update and cross-referencing materials

        Increasing internal and external SEO

        Accessibility testing and providing proof of testing for various devices, platforms, browsers, as well as assistive technology

        Servers with streaming audio and video capabilities

        Integrating social media platforms

        Ensuring that all functionalities are measurable and trackable via Google Analytics and providing periodical reports

        Providing functions for automatic site review


Continuous support

        Supporting and maintenance

        Providing adequate staff training and tutorials

        Consultancy for new developments and ideas

        Accessibility consultancy, testing and providing proof of testing,

        Development work on a case-by-case basis (providing quotations on the amount of work needed in hours/days, timeline for delivery and total costs)

        Monitoring service levels incl. periodical testing for dead links.



        Punctual social media campaigns: strategy and development

        Punctual graphic design creation for the website and social media

        Landed pages creation in the case of our main events

        General advise on digital communications



        Agency based in Brussels

        Native English. Other EU languages will be an asset


If you are interested, please contact Elena Gil for more details.

We would like to receive the first proposals by 1st March.

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