
Progressive Migration Group conference

12 - 15/09/2024
Siena, Italy

Siena vision conference on the Europe of the future – 2024

Agenda setting for a union at a crossroad
Helsinki, Finland (Hybrid)

How do algorithms and AI reshape workplaces and the world?

19 - 23/09/2024
New York, USA

FEPS at the United Nations Summit of the Future

Shaping our common future
New York, USA (Expert meeting)

A New Global Deal

Reforming world governance to advance
New York, USA

T20 inputs for the Summit of the Future

Official side-event on the occasion of the UN Summit of the Future Action Days
25 - 26/09/2024
Brussels, Belgium (Expert meeting)

Forging the new EU agenda

Progressive Economic Policy Conference
Brussels, Belgium (Hybrid)

A long path to return for Social Democracy – Lessons from Sweden

Next Left Lecture V with Jenny Andersson
Ljubljana, Slovenia

FEPS Fringe event at the Congress of Economic Democracy

Tackling challenges of local communities through employee ownership in the EU
Brussels, Belgium (Hybrid)

Computer in command

Do the consequences of Algorithmic Management for workers require EU policy action?
25 - 26/10/2024
Budapest, Hungary

Call to Europe – A free Hungary in a stronger Europe

FEPS HQ, Brussels (Hybrid)

State of the Unions

The US election: implications for the US, for the EU and global politics
20 - 22/11/2024
FEPS HQ, Brussels (Expert meeting)

Friends of the Western Balkans – Brussels

How will the new balance of power in Europe impact the accession process?
15 - 17/12/2024
Oxford, England

The 10th Oxford Symposium