
#61 FEPS Talks ‘S&D united ahead of the Future of Europe: let’s make it about issues that matter for citizens!’

#60 FEPS Talks ‘Democratic Legitimacy of EU Crisis Management’

#59 FEPS Talks ‘Power outage: competition, antitrust and big tech’

#58 FEPS Talks ‘United against the shadow pandemic: stop gender based violence’

#57 FEPS Talks ‘What now? U.S. foreign policy post-2020 and the transatlantic partnership’

#56 FEPS Talks ‘Vote at 16, would it reinforce the inclusion of young people in the democratic processes?’

#55 FEPS Talks ‘Let’s not drop the ball on pay equity!’

#54 FEPS Talks ‘Protests in Poland: another clash or the beginning of a transformation?’

#53 FEPS Talks ‘The COVID-19 jobs crisis: a transatlantic perspective’

#52 FEPS Talks ‘Care4Care: Towards a ‘care revolution’?’

#51 FEPS Talks ‘The new MFF and Next Generation EU: a revolution under way?’

#50 FEPS Talks ‘European policies for sustainability and well-being’

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