In the media

‘SPD defeat reveals need for new strategy for progressive forces’

by LabourList 24/02/2025
This article, published on the British news website LabourList, was written by FEPS Secretary General László Andor. It explores the results of the German elections and their implications for progressive forces.

Foundation for European Progressive Studies recommends introduction of minimum tax on capital income in EU

by Agence Europe 05/02/2025
In its 'Europe Daily Bulletin', the press agency Agence Europe features FEPS’ latest policy study, 'Tackling Tax Avoidance', which underscores the need for a minimum tax on capital income in the EU.

Nedostatak brižnosti

by Vox Feminae 04/02/2025
"Lack of care" The Croatian feminist magazine Vox Feminae highlights the chapter by Annica Kronsell in FEPS book "A new Gender Equality Contract for Europe", which is dedicated to imagining a new gender contract for the climate

Suomi on poikkeuksellisen herkkä menettämään verotuloja muiden maiden verohelpotusten takia

by Helsingin Sanomat 04/02/2025
Discussing the findings from the policy study "Tackling tax avoidance" with Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

Brussels promises to make red tape disappear – Brussels my love

by Euronews 03/02/2025
FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues participated in this episode of Euronews’ show ‘Brussels my love’ on EU car industry, the cost of living, inflation, and public transport.

O mundo de Trump 2.0 e as responsabilidades europeias

by Público 03/02/2025
'The world of Trump 2.0 and the European responsibilities' article by FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues at Público.

Trump előzményei és a neoliberális lázadás

by Mérce 27/01/2025
FEPS Secretary-General László Andor discusses the economic ramifications of the election of Donald Trump

Europa em 2025: da inquietação à ambição

by Público 31/12/2024
'Europe in 2025: from concern to ambition' Read this Público article by FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues to discover how to strengthen the EU and prepare it to tackle the challenges ahead.

China: Dangerous Rival or Cooperation Partner?

by Brussels Express 29/12/2024
Read the Brussels Express article on FEPS book 'China: Dangerous Rival or Cooperative Partner', which examines the evolving relationship between the EU and China

Hungary’s Transactions in the South Caucasus

by Caucasus Watch 28/12/2024
FEPS Secretary General László Andor talks to Caucasus Watch about Hungary's role in the South Caucasus

Study: EU needs a clear strategy for digital independence

by Europe.Table 09/12/2024
Read the coverage of our policy study 'Time to build a European digital ecosystem', in which experts call for the development of a European digital industrial policy.

Europe needs to have its own criteria to assess relationship with China

by Global Times 04/12/2024
Read this interview with FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, as she delves into the intricate relationship between Europe and China, highlighting the opportunities a global partnership could create to improve global governance.
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