In the media

Sluta tro att SD-männen bara skojar om politiken

by AFTONBLADET 30/05/2023
'Stop thinking that the SD men are just joking about politics. When changes happen, they happen at lightning speed' Ania Skrzypek interviewed in this Swedish article about the Polish case

A szmogtól és a mikroműanyagoktól rettegő magyarok akkor vehetők rá a zöldítésre, ha egyénileg jól járnak

by Qubit 22/05/2023
'Hungarians who fear smog and microplastics can be persuaded to go green if they are doing well individually' article about FEPS policy study 'Talking green in Hungary'Hungary', in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Policy Solutions

Magyarországon már kínos lett a “rezsicsökkentés”

by Népszava 22/05/2023
'"Utility reduction" has already become embarrassing in Hungary' Népszava article about FEPS policy study 'Talking green in Hungary', in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Policy Solutions

Magyarokat kérdeztek a zöld kommunikációról

by 22/05/2023
'Why do garbage collectors throw selectively collected waste into one? Hungarians were asked about green communication' Extensive article about FEPS policy study 'Talking Green in Hungary', in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Policy Solutions

Polacy nieufni i “wyjątkowi” – “popandemiczne” badanie w UE

by TOK FM 22/05/2023
'Poles distrustful and "exceptional" - "post-pandemic" survey in the EU' TOK FM. Interview with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, about the results of FEPS' European survey in six EU countries and the 'uniqueness' of the responses of the Polish people.

A credible future beyond growth has to be feminist

by euobserver 17/05/2023
Euobserver article about the #BeyondGrowth conference mentions FEPS 'Defining Care' Policy Brief

Quick commerce – not turning a fast buck

by Social Europe 15/05/2023
Article on Social Europe by the authors of 'Back to the Dark Ages?' FEPS Policy Study about the quick-commerce workers' rights.

Αναγκαιότητα η επένδυση στην κοινωνική προστασία

by Naftemporiki 03/05/2023
"Investment in social protection is a necessity" Naftemporiki article about the participation of László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, in the panel "Why social inclusion matters and how to foster it" of the 8th Delphi Economic Forum

O László Andor στο Φόρουμ των Δελφών

by News 24 7 28/04/2023
“László Andor discussing at the Delphi Economic Forum about the importance of social inclusion and ways to strengthen it”

Pourquoi – et comment – pérenniser Next Generation EU

by OFCE 27/04/2023
"Why - and how - to make Next Generation EU sustainable" OFCE Article about FEPS Policy Study "Making Next-Generation EU a permanent tool", with the collaboration of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, OFCE and Institut Emile Vandervelde

Work insecurity: the high cost of ultra-fast grocery deliveries

by euobserver 30/03/2023
EUobserver on the ultra-fast grocery deliveries and our policy study 'Back to the Dark Ages? Quick Commerce and the changing landscape of retail work', published in collaboration with Uni Europa.

Research shows Ireland is too reliant on voluntary sector for mental health services

by RTÉ Radio 1 27/03/2023
RTÉ Radio 1 talks about our case studies 'Is an EU-wide approach to the mental health crisis necessary?', published in collaboration with Think-tank for Action on Social Change (TASC)
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