In the media

Su benessere e disuguaglianze ancora troppe criticità nei Pnrr

by Avvenire 19/12/2022
"On well-being and inequalities, there are still too many shortcomings in the NRRP" Avvenire article on FEPS Policy Study "How place-sensitive are NRRPs?"

Nuova economia ok, ma l’inquinamento?

by Il Fatto Quotidiano 19/12/2022
"A new economy OK, but what about pollution?" Il Fatto Quotidiano article on FEPS Policy Study "Policy challenges and actions for a just climate transition"

Pnrr, criticità e correzioni possibili (e necessarie) secondo il Forum DD

by Sapereambiente 19/12/2022
"NRRP, criticisms and possible (and necessary) corrections according to the Forum DD" Sapereambiente article on FEPS event "National Recovery & Resilience Plans: Assessing to improve"

Dai lavoratori fragili alle politiche di cura. Quali sono gli obiettivi dimenticati dal Pnrr

by 19/12/2022
"From vulnerable workers to care policies. What are the overlooked objectives of the NRRP" article on FEPS event "National Recovery & Resilience Plans: Assessing to improve"

Pnrr, Italia in affanno ma gli altri Paesi non stanno meglio

by VITA 16/12/2022
'NRRP, Italy in difficulty, but other countries are no better off' VITA article on FEPS Policy Study 'The role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in strengthening childcare policies'

PNRR e scuola: nuovi nidi a rischio fra ritardi burocratici e educatori introvabili

by Corriere della Sera 16/12/2022
'NRRP and school: new nurseries at risk between bureaucratic delays and unavailable educators'. Corriere della Sera article on FEPS Policy Study 'The role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in strengthening childcare policies'

EU musí řešit ekonomické problémy spolu s těmi sociálními, shodli se experti

by Euractiv 14/12/2022
Euractiv article on the Call to Europe conference, in Prague: 'The EU must tackle economic and social problems together'

Ania Skrzypek ‘Er waait een sociaaldemocratische wind door Europa’

by SAMPOL 09/12/2022
'A social democratic wind is blowing through Europe' Interview with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training

El PSC se reunirá de nuevo con el Govern el miércoles por los Presupuestos

by EuropaPress 24/11/2022
EuropaPress echoes the 'Twin Transition' event in Barcelona, organized by FEPS and Fundació Campalans, with the participation of Salvador Illa and FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues.

A baloldal főutcája

by Népszava 21/11/2022
Article by FEPS Secretary General László Andor on the state of social democracy after the PES congress - “The main street of the left”

La doble transición verde y digital como arma contra los depredadores de la energía

by Crónica Global 18/11/2022
Article by Pau Solanilla, Director of Fundació Rafael Campalans, ahead of the FEPS-Campalans event 'Figuring out the Twin Transition'

El reto de las Smart Cities, combinar digitalización y sostenibilidad

by ABC 18/11/2022
Article by Pau Solanilla, Director of Fundació Rafael Campalans, ahead of the FEPS-Campalans event 'Figuring out the Twin Transition'
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