In the media



La bande de « la faute à l’Europe ? » a reçu Maria Joao Rodrigues, eurodéputée socialiste portugaise.


Over A Coffee with Maria João Rodrigues MEP, Vice President of the Social Democrats


Maria João Rodrigues : «La social-démocratie doit se renouveler, c’est une course contre le temps»


Following the French presidential election 6 May 2012 and ahead of the first visit of Hollande in Berlin, FEPS Secretary General Ernst Stetter took part to a debate, on TV France 24 entitled.


« The new Treaty, the fiscal compact is the continuation of pure liberal orthodoxy » says FEPS Economic Advisor Matthieu Méaulle in a TV for the Russian TV, RT. Ahead the March European Summit, RT has spoken with several European experts including FE


Special guest on the show “in Europe”, a program co-produced by RFI and France 24, FEPS President Massimo D’Alema, tells what he thinks of budgetary control actions taken by Europe and his country’s position that Italy could play a new role of refere


The Euros du village, an online magazine met FEPS President Massimo d’Alema in Brussels on the sidelines of the launch of the Next Left Book vol.3. An interview about the future of the European left and the EU: two destinies that, according Massimo D


The Euros du village, an online magazine met FEPS President Massimo d’Alema in Brussels on the sidelines of the launch of the Next Left Book vol.3. An interview about the future of the European left and the EU: two destinies that, according Massimo D


In the context of the conference « Beyond Austerity : Alternatives Policies for Employment and Growth » hosted, on 2-3 May, in Rome, by the FEPS, IPD and Italiani Europei, IPD Co-president and Nobel laureate in economics, Joseph Stiglitz said in an i


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