In the media

Un nuevo informe de prospectiva identifica las medidas políticas urgentes necesarias para volver a encarrilar los ODS

by Cope 14/09/2023
'New foresight report identifies urgent policy measures needed to get the SDGs back on track' Cope's article on the policy study 'SDGs for all: Strategic scenarios', published in collaboration with Earth4All

A szociális unió imperatívusza

by Új Egyenlőség 09/09/2023
'The imperative of Social Union'. Article about FEPS book 'Europe’s Social Integration: Welfare Models and Economic Transformations' by László Andor.

Los líderes de Alemania, Brasil, Portugal o Dinamarca piden el voto para Sánchez contra las “fuerzas reaccionarias”

by El Periódico de España 28/08/2023
'The leaders of Germany, Brazil, Portugal and Denmark call for a vote in favour of Sánchez against "reactionary forces".' El Periódico de España's article about the manifesto launched in support of Pedro Sánchez, signed by numerous personalities, including FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues

Após 66 anos de adiamentos, a barragem do Pisão entrou em contra-relógio

by Pùblico 19/08/2023
'After 66 years of postponements, the Pisão dam has entered a race against time' Pùblico's article mentions FEPS Policy Study 'Governing the RRF'

Just Transition: A new social contract for wellbeing of people and planet

by Euractiv 11/07/2023
Euractiv's article ahead of the high-level expert meeting on Just Transition in Valladolid, organized by FEPS, Solidar, and other think tanks and civil society organizations.

AI, platforms and (human) workers’ rights

by Social Europe 07/07/2023
In Social Europe' article, Gerard Rinse Oosterwijk, FEPS Policy Analyst on Digital, talks about the efforts to regulate AI undertaken by the EU and highlights the importance to grasp this opportunity to set the rules for a human-centric approach

Bringing ‘securonomics’ down to earth

by RENEWAL 30/06/2023
Harry Pitts, a researcher working on FEPS' Future of Work Programme, writes about 'securonomics' and the implications of geopolitical shifts for work and workers

Borko Stefanović: Odmah usaglasiti spoljnu politiku sa EU i napraviti od Srbije dobro i sigurno mesto za život

by Danas 26/06/2023
Borko Stefanović, deputy president of the Freedom and Justice Party, participated in the international meeting in Thessaloniki organized by FEPS, the Friends of the Western Balkans and FES

La eurodiputada del PSOE Lina Gálvez, nombrada vicepresidenta de la Fundación Europea de Estudios Progresistas

by La Vanguardia 21/06/2023
'Lina Gálvez, MEP for the PSOE, appointed vice-president of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies' La Vanguardia article about the election of MEP Lina Gálvez Muñoz as FEPS new vice-president and chair of the Scientific Council

La eurodiputada del PSOE Lina Gálvez, nueva vicepresidenta de la Fundación Europea de Estudios Progresistas

by Europa Press 21/06/2023
'Lina Gálvez, MEP for the PSOE, is the new vice-president of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies' Europa Press article about the election of MEP Lina Gálvez Muñoz as FEPS new vice-president and chair of the Scientific Council

Ukrainian economy and society: whither the (postwar) country?

by Commons 16/06/2023
In Commons' article, Yuliya Yurchenko, co-author of FEPS’ book 'Europe and the war in Ukraine', outlines the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the Ukrainian population and the plans needed for Ukraine's recovery.

Rebuilding Ukraine will require radical economic change

by openDemocracy 16/06/2023
In OpenDemocracy's article, Yuliya Yurchenko, co-author of FEPS’ book 'Europe and the war in Ukraine', outlines the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the Ukrainian population and the plans needed for Ukraine's recovery.
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