In the media

Santos Silva alerta que extrema-direita “é uma doença que pode ser fatal para a democracia”

by Observador 30/01/2023
'Santos Silva warns that the far-right "is a disease that can be fatal for democracy"' Observador article on Santos Silva's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Santos Silva critica “lógica de descobrirmos roupa suja uns dos outros”

by Público 30/01/2023
'Santos Silva criticises "the mindset of airing each other's dirty laundry"' Público article on Santos Silva's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

PS promove conferência sobre combate aos extremismos de direita com Zapatero

by Público 30/01/2023
'PS organises a conference on fighting right-wing extremism with an intervention from Zapatero' Público article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Zapatero prenuncia declínio da extrema-direita em Portugal como aconteceu em Espanha

by Diário de Notícias 30/01/2023
'Zapatero predicts a decline of the far-right in Portugal as it happened in Spain' Diário de Notícias article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Zapatero prenuncia declínio da extrema-direita em Portugal como aconteceu em Espanha

by Observador 30/01/2023
'Zapatero predicts a decline of the far-right in Portugal as it happened in Spain' Observador article on Zapatero's intervention during FEPS event 'Right-wing extremism and our progressive duty to fight it'

Personalidades de Portugal e Brasil defendem parceria estratégica para o clima entre UE e Brasil

by Visão 12/01/2023
'Personalities from Portugal and Brazil defend EU-Brazil strategic partnership on climate' Visão's article about the manifesto signed by 50 personalities from Portugal and Brazil, including FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, in support of Lula’s environmental policy

UE e Mercosul: manifesto quer tornar o “clima estável” um bem da humanidade com força legal

by Público 12/01/2023
Público's article about the manifesto signed by 50 personalities from Portugal and Brazil, including FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, in support of Lula’s environmental policy

Luso-Brazilian manifesto wants to give international impetus to Lula’s environmental policy

by News Bulletin 09/01/2023
Manifesto signed by 50 personalities from Portugal and Brazil, including FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, in support of Lula’s environmental policy

Guerra do séc. XX e desafios do séc. XXI

by Público 09/01/2023
'A war of the 20th century and challenges of the 21st one' Article by Maria João Rodrigues in Público

L’Italia non riesce a usare il Pnrr: abbiamo speso solo un terzo dei 42 miliardi di euro stanziati

by L'Espresso 09/01/2023
'Italy fails to take advantage of the NRRP: we have spent only one-third of the 42 billion euros allocated' L'Espresso article on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Intervista per il Radio Giornale

by Radio Popolare 19/12/2022
“Interview in the Radio Journal” Radio Popolare. Interview with David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, on the Recovery Watch series of publications

Gli effetti della crisi sulle famiglie e sul settore dell’agricoltura

by Radio Vaticana 19/12/2022
"The impact of the crisis on families and the agricultural sector" Radio Vaticana. Interview (18'45) with David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, on the Recovery Watch series of publications
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