FEPS Joins the Brussels Binder Think Tank Network


The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Brussels Binder commit to strengthening their cooperation to promote the role of women and gender inclusivity in EU policy-making and policy discussions in Brussels.

FEPS is pleased to announce the signature of a memorandum of understanding with the Brussels Binder to reaffirm its strong commitment to gender inclusivity and female representation in EU policy debates.

This joint endeavour marks the beginning of a partnership between the two organisations, which is rooted in our common understanding that gender equality and democratic debates at large must start by giving a voice to women and all those who are too often underrepresented.

In our efforts to promote diversity as a central part of the European policy debate, we seek to encourage the representation of women and general diversity in policy-making and policy discussions in Brussels.

If you are looking for female experts, if you are a female expert yourself or simply if you are curious about the Brussels Binder and its missions, you can find more information here: https://brusselsbinder.org/

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg


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In the media

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