


In the framework of their joint initiative, the “Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development”, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D) and SOLIDAR are launching a call for academic papers to critically evaluate how the embedding of the 2030 Agenda into the EU development, trade and investment approaches could contribute to reduce inequalities and mobilizing domestic resources for sustainable development.

The papers will feed key policy processes that will be undertaken by the European Institutions during the course of 2016 and 2017: the Review of the EU consensus for Development, the Mid-term review of the Multi-Annual Financial framework (MFF), the revision of the EU-ACP partnership agreement, the adoption of an EU overarching strategy to implement 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

We are calling on independent thinkers, journalists, professionals, academics, and researchers to submit short academic papers on one of the three thematic clusters described below. Candidates should choose only one thematic cluster, but within each cluster, candidates can cover one or more possible subthemes as suggested below.

Thematic clusters and possible sub-themes:

  • Fighting inequalities by promoting sustainability in all its dimensions (economic, social and environmental) including responsible consumption and production, the respect of planetary boundaries, defending migrant and refugees’ rights; Promoting inclusive economic development models, investing in human development, decent work and universal social protection, and promoting tax justice and ‘fair’ trade policy.

  • Mobilizing domestic resource for sustainable development comprising decent work and social protection: this includes, for instance, tax justice, fight against tax dodging, illicit flows, using fiscal levies and charges on natural and environmental resources, optimizing the structure of subsidies and other public expenditures. Sustainable development should refer to economic objectives such as growth and equity, and especially to social objectives such as institutional development, participation and empowerment, social mobility, and social cohesion; it could also refer to donors’ support to domestic resource mobilization, and budget transparency and accountability.
  • Education including Education in Emergencies (EiE) and Conflict and Disaster Risk Reduction (C/DRR) integration in school through the provision of equitable learning opportunities for every child in situation of crisis, creating resilient societies, which are able to reduce the economic, social and cultural impacts should a hazardous event occur; universal access to quality education and protective learning environments; the role of education in promoting innovation and growth, as well as societal well-being and progress. Articles linking education with cross-cutting issues, including gender, human rights and inclusive education are encouraged.

The gender perspective should be highlighted in all the thematic clusters. Reference to migrant and refugees is welcome.

Practical information

All submissions will be evaluated by a scientific advisory group. Successful candidates will be offered 1,500 Euro (gross) honorarium after the final version of their paper will be accepted for publication in the format of a book, foreseen for the first semester of 2017.


The call is open for independent thinkers, journalists, professionals, academics and researchers, who can submit short academic papers on one of the thematic clusters listed above. The submissions need to be policy-oriented and policy-relevant, and not yet published in any academic journal or other official outlet. The paper submitted needs to be written in English, have between 10.000 – 15.000 characters, in font Arial, letter size 10 with 1.5 line spacing, and should include in-text references provided in APA format. The paper should be explicit about the policy problem it wants to address, the research questions, and include preliminary recommendations beyond the conclusions.


30 September 2016: deadline to submit short academic papers

Candidates are kindly asked to send their short academic papers by this date. The papers should be accompanied by the candidate’s short biography (1 page max) identifying academic credentials.

Approximately 9 successful candidates will be invited to a symposium to take place by the end of 2016 in Brussels to present and discuss the papers, and get feedback for their further development, particularly from the members of the scientific board.

End of November – beginning of December 2016: Symposium for peer review at the European Parliament in Brussels

Mid-February: Deadline for submitting the complete version of the academic papers

April 2017: Progressive Lab for Sustainable development book launch

Contact details

Please send your short academic papers and the short biography by 18 September 2016 to The subject e-mail for a submission should be specified as: “Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development – INDICATE YOUR CHOSEN THEMATIC CLUSTER”. Any other question concerning this call should be directed to the same email address above.

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