
Caterina Ghobert

has been working on socio-economic and minority rights with NGOs, international organisations, and think-tanks in the Balkan region. She collaborated with OBCT-Transeuropa and is currently based in Pristina

Michael Bradshaw

Professor of Global Energy in the Strategy and International Business Group at Warwick Business School and Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre

Marc Isaac Pons Pons

Secretary for Just Ecological Transition and Biodiversity Conservation of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE)

Cillian LOHAN

Vice-President in charge of communication, European Economic and Social Committee

Anna Karlsdottir

Coordinator of the former Nordic Arctic Working Group, and former coordinator for the Nordic Integration Programme for refugees and immigrants, responsible administrator of the Arctic Cooperation Programme secretariat (until 2020), leader for the Nordic Thematic Group on Green and inclusive rural development.

Carme Colomina

Liza Deléon

Project manager in economic development and territorial promotion at the GPS&O local authority (Communauté Urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise), researcher in European intraregional spatial imbalances

Matthias LÜCKE

Matthias Luecke is a senior researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and an adjunct professor at Kiel University

Eveliina Heinäluoma

Member of the Finish Parliament and City Councilor of Helsinki

Geert De Pauw

Coordinator of Community Land Trust Brussels


Professor of French and European politics at University College London

Neva Grašič

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