
Edoardo Caroli

 is part of the world-wide community of young change-makers, constantly pursuing one goal: to make an impact. Since 2014, he has been involved in several initiatives aimed at empowering youth and making sure they are taken into account by decision-makers. His work background ranges from the public sector at the European, national and local levels to fieldwork experiences to end with a long series of initiatives and involvements in the nonprofit sector both in Italy and abroad. He also launched recently a podcast, Turbe Giovanili, offering young people a platform to be heard and speak out. Italy is commonly known as a country affected by brain drain, meaning a lot of highly qualified people emigrate. Edoardo was part of that phenomena but now decided to return offering his country a hand to get up off the ground.

Lucia Annunziata

Former Chairwoman of Italian Public Television, Rai. She hosts “Mezz’ora in più”, a weekly Sunday show on national and international politics. She has been Editor of the Huffingtonpost Italy, between 2012 and 2020; she has been Editor of TG3, the third largest Italian newscast; Editor of Ap.Biscom, the Italian branch of the Associated Press. She was a foreign correspondent for the Italian newspapers La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, covering over the years Central and Latin America, Middle East, the Balkans, and the United States. She is a member of the Executive Committee of Aspen Institute Italy. She has recently been appointed member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Encyclopedia “Treccani”. Author of many books, Lucia Annunziata is recipient of Harvard University Nieman Fellowship.

Adriana Lastra

Deputy Secretary General and Spokesperson of PSOE

Cristina Narbona

Jourdain Vaillant

Eugenia Arvanitis

Philip Alston

Ramona Coman

Professor and president of the IEE (Institut d'études européennes)

Dan Luca

Anka Grzywacz

Pau Mari Klose

Member of the Spanish National Parliament. Professor University of Zaragoza

Rick Smith

Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute, a Canadian, FEPS-affiliated, progressive training and policy organisation.
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