Conference: Reconstructing the European Economy


14 - 15/06/2013
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Dublin, Ireland Croke Park, Jones's Road, Ireland
Conference: Reconstructing the European Economy

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Economic Conference on “Reconstructing the European Economy”


As in the past three years, this year’s progressive economics conference will be held in partnership with TASC. The conference brings together leading international and Irish progressive economists to debate the economic issues facing us and to develop new approaches.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Reconstructing the European Economy’. The day will consist of a morning session ‘Macroeconomic and Industrial Policies to Address the Jobs Crisis’ and an afternoon session ‘Fixing the Flaws in European Monetary Union’.

09:00              Registration, tea/coffee

09:20              Welcome

Dr Ernst Stetter, General Secretary, FEPS

09:30              Opening Remarks

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources,             Mr Pat Rabbitte TD

10:00              Panel Discussion: ‘Macroeconomic and Industrial Policies to Address the Jobs Crisis’

                        Europe is facing the prospect of stagnation and high unemployment, and needs innovation and reindustrialisation from modern evidence-based industrial policy together with alternative macroeconomic policies.

Chair: To be confirmed

Dr Hannah Bargawi/Prof Terry McKinley (SOAS, UK)

Mr Lars Andersen (Director, ECLM, Denmark)

Prof. David Jacobson (Professor Emeritus, DCU, Ireland)

Dr Susan Newman (Researcher, ISS, Netherlands)


11:30             Tea/coffee

12:00             Morning Keynote Speaker: TBC

13:00              Lunch

14:00              Panel Discussion: ‘Fixing the Flaws in European Monetary Union’

                        The institutions of the Euro zone proved to be inadequate to deal with the scale of the catastrophe in Europe’s financial institutions, and inadequate to prevent the explosion of public and private debt. Fundamental changes to ECB and Euro zone rules may be required if the currency is to assist job growth and a strong European economy in future. Design flaws must be rectified.

Chair: Mr Paul Sweeney (Chair of TASC Economists’ Network, former Chief Economist, ICTU)

Dr Stephen Kinsella (UL, Ireland)

Prof. Malcolm Sawyer (U Leeds, UK)

Ms Noelle O’Connell (European Movement Ireland)

15:45              Tea/coffee (in the room)

15:55              Introduction to afternoon Keynote Speaker

16:00              Keynote Address: Prof. John Weeks (SOAS, UK) ’Austerity and the New Authoritarianism in Europe: Urgency for progressive reform of the European Union’

16:40              Q&A / discussion

17:00             Closing remarks: Dr Nat O’Connor, TASC


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