

Drawing on insights from key contributors from the EU and the UK, the book “The Politics of Polycrisis” presents new ideas for restoring social democracy, tackling topics including the green transition, the rise of platform work, industrial policy, and artificial intelligence.

Rising challenges of insecurity and inequality that plagued advanced capitalist countries in recent years —from climate change to the rise of the far right, economic crisis, and the creation of new types of jobs that do not protect workers—have reinstated the need for social democratic parties to strategise for success.

Authored by prominent researchers and policy-makers and edited by Patrick Diamond and Ania Skrzypek, this book is a powerful intellectual statement that presents new ideas for restoring social democracy. 

  • Introduction by Patrick DIAMOND and Ania SKRZYPEK
  • Governing in turbulent times: challenges for the centre-left by Andrew GAMBLE
  • The polycrisis diagnosis and its problems by Colm MURPHY
  • Democracy and empowerment by Daphne HALIKIOPOULOU and Tim VLANDAS
  • Tackling Employment Insecurity: a Fair Deal for Platform Workers by Eunice GOES
  • A new industrial policy for the EU by MEP Matthias ECKE
  • Artificial intelligence: the role of the state and the progressive narrative by Florian RANFT, Sebastian PIEPER and Jonah SCHWOPE
  • Managing technological transformation – from the perspective of a European lawmaker by Miapetra KUMPULA-NATRI
  • The path towards a just green transition by Commissioner for Energy and Housing Dan JØRGENSEN
  • To take that one step forward by MEP Andreas SCHIEDER and Ania SKRZYPEK
  • A new global deal to help developing countries thrive: rethinking development aid from a progressive perspective by MEP Hana JALLOUL MURO

To find a path back to power, social democrats must combine a forward-looking agenda for inclusive prosperity with protecting the pillars of security that give meaning to our lives in an era of unprecedented instability and upheaval.

Launched at the 10th edition of the Oxford Symposium in December 2024, it not only reflects the Symposium’s rich legacy but also provides a platform for future discussions about the viability and ambition of progressive politics. 

Conceived amidst ideological challenges and electoral setbacks for the centre-left, the Symposium has become a vital platform for academics, politicians, and thought leaders for a decade. Featuring cutting-edge analysis, it addresses critical issues like the rise of the radical right, polycrises, and strategies for progressive resurgence in the face of digital, environmental, and demographic transitions.

For more information about this book, please contact Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training ( or Céline Guedes, FEPs Project Officer ( 

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