
#109 FEPS Talks ‘German Politics today and tomorrow’

Let me say this: another world is possible!

Let me say this… Video #9 – LGBTIQ rights

#108 FEPS Talk ‘How to improve access and quality of lifelong learning programs’

#107 FEPS Talks ‘The Erasmus Generation(s) – Ensuring opportunities for all young people’

#106 FEPS Talks ‘Human dignity and a genuinely Social Europe’

Let me say this… Video #8 – Sexual Consent

Digital Capitalism Congress Highlights | FEPS’ Closing Event in 2 minutes!

#105 FEPS Talks ‘The EU should be more decisive in the conflict at its Eastern border’

Let me say this… Video #7 – Climate Justice

We need a RECOVERY based on HUMAN RIGHTS, Bachelet (UN) says

COVID Recovery, Guy Ryder (ILO DG): “We need global solutions”

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