Energy efficiency: saving Europe’s energy agenda


08 - 10/09/2014
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Montoyer 40, Brussels Montoyer 40, Brussels
Energy efficiency: saving Europe’s energy agenda

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Presentation and discussion 

With Paul Hodson

Head of unit for energy efficiency in DG energy at the European Commission

Tuesday 9th September

FEPS office, 

Rue Montoyer 40, 4th floor, 1000 Brussels

14:00 – 15:30

Register below

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies will organise a discussion on the current state of play of the proposals and upcoming issues for energy efficiency policies in Europe with a presentation from Paul Hodson, Head of unit for energy efficiency in DG Energy.

With the European Commission reviewing its proposals for EU energy reduction targets, and will be presented at the next Council summit at the end of October, these debates will take precedent in the upcoming debates on energy.

Dubbed as the world’s number 1 fuel by the International Energy Agency, using less energy, would be a way to address all associated problems Europe currently has with energy. Firstly as a way to fighting fuel poverty and notably also for reducing gas imports from Russia, something which the crisis in Ukraine has highlighted even more recently and of course help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Commission is now proposing a 30% energy reduction target by 2030. However this still doesn’t match the European Parliament’s 40% target.

From energy saving light bulbs to retrofitting buildings and heating systems, there is many ways this can be implemented and investment in research and development in energy efficiency in Europe can also help boost jobs and growth on the continent.

Currently the 2020 energy efficiency target is not on track, although significant reductions have been made. Support for a binding target this time within the 2030 climate and energy package is building strongly. More recently Jean-Claude Juncker and seven European Member states call for the energy efficiency target to be binding.

In the run up to seeing if EU leaders will choose to endorse these commitments or not, FEPS will organise a discussion in the framework of its project on a Progressive energy agenda for Europe.

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