Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?

Online conference, from Wednesday, 7 April to Friday, 9 April  The online Conference ‘Civic Competences and Lifelong […]

07 - 09/04/2021
00:00 - 00:00
Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?

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Online conference, from Wednesday, 7 April to Friday, 9 April 

The online Conference ‘Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?’ aimed at presenting and discussing the outcomes of the latest edition of SOLIDAR Foundation’s annual flagship publication, the Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor.

The publication, released in April by SOLIDAR Foundation and FEPS, is a research report on the topic of policy developments in the field of attainment of skills, through lifelong learning, for active participation in society. You can download it here.

The Conference was spread out into three sessions, each aiming to discuss one building block of the publication together with the overall findings of the report.


About the Monitor

The Monitor takes stock of the digital and green transitions through which European countries are expected to undergo given the immediate challenges experienced in the past year: the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate emergency and a fast-forwarded process of digitalization.

The report considers the responses to these challenges by evaluating policies on the topic and presenting best practices coming from organized progressive civil society, while investigating the digital, green and civic competences that Europeans have, and the role of informal and non-formal education providers in promoting these through community-level partnerships.




Policymakers, researchers and stakeholders will be gathered in each session to discuss the main findings and the policy recommendations included in the report. Confirmed participants include Anusca Ferrari from DG Education and Culture and former Minister for Education, Science and Sports of Slovenia, Jernej Pikalo.

It is possible to attend just one or more sessions, according to the participant’s interests: the registration link will be the same for all three sessions. Please make sure to register in order to receive a link for accessing the virtual rooms for the Conference.

The publication will be released on 6 April.

For any queries regarding the event or publication, do not hesitate to contact Elisa ( and Andrei (


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