New manifesto giving international impetus to Lula da Silva’s environmental policy

FEPS President, among the 50 scientists and former politicians from Brazil and Portugal who signed the manifesto


Together with about 50 scientists from the environmental area and former politicians from Brazil and Portugal, FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues signed a manifesto giving international impetus to the environmental policy of the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The manifesto calls for climate concerns to be at the centre of the agreement between the EU and Mercosur.

“Lula da Silva’s victory and Brazil’s return to its indispensable place in international politics create favourable conditions for, from the environmental and climate issue, to build a capable response, with cascading effects in the most varied areas, based on an effective multilateralism”, states the manifesto.

“The 2019 EU-Mercosur agreement does not offer sufficient guarantees of compliance with environmental and health standards and targets, as has been underlined. The European Union and Brazil should make the objective of complying with the Paris Agreements a conditionality of their agreements bilateral and inter-regional relations”.

The news was widely shared in the media, such as News BulletinPúblico and Visâo.

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