Webinar. Friday, 1 December 2021. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s proposal on […]

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Webinar. Friday, 1 December 2021.

Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s proposal on Individual Learning Accounts on 8 December, we aim to feed the discussion on lifelong learning as a tool to ensure EU citizens are resilient and fit to take full advantage of the ongoing transitions.

 Speakers: Nicolas Schmit, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; Enrico Letta, Jacques Delors Institute President & Secretary of Partito Democratico; Tuula Haatainen, Finnish Minister of Employment; Alicia Homs Ginel, S&D MEP of the EP Committee on Employment and Social Affairs; Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy; and Klervi Kerneïs, Jacques Delors Institute Research assistant.

This conference aims at discussing the EC’s proposal implementation strategy and the relevant policy actions to deliver on the commitments made during the Porto Social Summit last May, to trigger a major overhaul in our education and training systems.

Policy Study on the same topic will be presented by authors David Rinaldi and Klervi Kerneis.

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