Energy Revolution!? Lessons from German and Danish Energy Policy

Germany has decided to phase out nuclear power and invest massively in renewable energy sectors. […]

00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Helsinki, Finland Ostrobotnia, Museokatu 10, Helsinki, Finland
Energy Revolution!? Lessons from German and Danish Energy Policy
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Germany has decided to phase out nuclear power and invest massively in renewable energy sectors. A green revolution in said to be in the making. The harshest critics, however, claim that phasing out nuclear power will only lead to increasing CO2 emissions.

Denmark has committed to increase eco-efficiency and to bring about a renewables revolution. Denmark is most of all seen as a role model in the use of wind power.

What are the lessons to be learned from German and Danish energy and climate policies? Are they really showing the way to a clean energy future?

The event is free and open to everyone. We ask participants to register in advance.

The event is organized by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies with the support of the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation.

15.00-15.15 Opening
Charlotte Billingham, Executive Advisor, FEPS
Mikko Majander, Director, Kalevi Sorsa Foundation

15.15-15.45 German Energiewende–The Story So Far
Dr. Petri Hakkarainen, Senior Fellow, Potsdam Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies

15.45-16.30 Energiewende, employment and industrial policy
Dr. Inge Lippert, Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB)

16.30-17.00 Coffee Break

17.00-17.30 The Energy Policy Transition in Denmark
Susanne Krawack, Chief Consultant, Concito

17.30-18.30 Comments and Panel Debate: The Future of Energy Policy in Europe
Comment by Senior Advisor Henrik Haapajärvi of the Trade Union Pro, who will join Hakkarainen, Lippert and Krawack in the panel, which is moderated by Dr. Hanna-Liisa Kangas of the WWF.

Further information:

Charlotte Billingham (FEPS) +32 2 234 69 06,
Antti Alaja (Kalevi Sorsa Foundation), +358 40 1952 041,

Kalevi Sorsa Foundation
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