EU Enlargement: Beyond promises

FEPS together with the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity organised the third, final event […]


FEPS together with the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity organised the third, final event in the framework of the Copenhagen revisited research programme from 18 to 22 June 2012 in Brussels, Belgium.

After having discussed the lessons learnt and the challenges ahead, this third seminar in the framework of the Copenhagen revisited project focused on different aspects of the future of the EU enlargement policy.

Representatives of partner organizations from the SEE region and Turkey met in the FEPS office to participate in different discussion sessions on the following topics:

1) Towards the EU – As enemies or friends?

Solutions to enhance a better regional cooperation

2) Towards the EU – But leaving the next generation behind?

Addressing the issues affecting the future quality of life of young people in the region, particularly youth unemployment and working conditions

3) Full membership – for who?

Imagining the ideal profile of the respective countries at the moment of the accession and identification of the necessary steps to achieve that

4) Full membership – in what kind of EU?

Scenarios for the future of the EU and role of social democracy

For further information, please, contact Judit Tánczos, FEPS Policy Advisor

European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity
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