FEPS’s delegation to India

A FEPS’s delegation led by Ernst Stetter (secretary general of FEPS), Zita Gurmai (Vice-President of […]


A FEPS’s delegation led by Ernst Stetter (secretary general of FEPS), Zita Gurmai (Vice-President of FEPS, President of PES Women and Member of the European Parliament) and Jesús Caldera Sánchez-Capitán (Vice President of FEPS, Vice President of the IDEAS Spanish Foundation and member of the Spanish Parliament) spent for days (3-7 April) in India in order to build a constructive strategic dialogue between progressive think tanks in India and the European Union. Further participants included Philippe Humbert (Jean Jaurès), Hedi Giusto (Italianieuropei) & David Giménez Gluck (IDEAS).

Read the speeches:

Ernst Stetter – The European Union and Global Governance

Jesus Caldera – The European Union and Social Justice

Zita Gurmaï – The European Union: Economic Governance and Future challenges

Read also the Post from the blog Fresh Thinking, Editor’s Choice on BlogActiv

As a follow up, read the Queries on India

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In the media

‘SPD defeat reveals need for new strategy for progressive forces’

by LabourList 24/02/2025
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Nedostatak brižnosti

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