
Andrea Nahles

Antonio Aloisi

is an Assistant professor of European and Comparative Labour Law at IE University Law School, Madrid, where he is a member of the Lawtomation Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

Valerio de Stefano

is the BOF-ZAP Professor of Labour Law at the Institute for Labour Law of the University of Leuven.

Alice Hill

Anni Marttinen

Public health scientist and Trade Unionist, Kommunal (Municipal Workers' Union), Sweden. Member of FEPS-FES care experts group.


Economist, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)

Dirk Bezemer

Professor, Economics of International Financial Development

Albena Azmanova

Associate Professor in Political and Social Theory, Brussels School of International Studies (University of Kent)

Siria Taurelli

Content Coordinator of Governance and Quality Assurance of Lifelong Learning at the European Training Foundation (ETF)

Renzo Guolo

Pedro Marques

Valentin Quintus Nicolescu

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