
Ksenia Svetlova

former Member of the Knesset, Director of the Program on Israel-Middle East Relations at Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and Senior Research Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.

Nimrod GOREN

Senior Fellow for Israeli Affairs at the Middle East Institute, President of the Mitvim Institute, and Co-Founder of Diplomeds – The Council for Mediterranean Diplomacy

Roee Kibrik

Director of Research at Mitvim - the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies

Birgit Sippel

Member of the European Parliament since 2009

Giacomo Orsini

Senior Associate Researcher at the Institute for European Studies

Ana Pirtskhalava

Katia Glod

political risks consultant on former Soviet countries and fellow at the Centre for European Policy Analysis

Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina

teaching assistant in charge of exercises at the the Political Science department of Université libre de Bruxelles

Alexander Behrens

Alexander Behrens, historian, editor at the publishing house J. H. W. Dietz Nachfahren

José Irán Moreno Santos

President of the Foundation for Progressive Political, Economic and Social Studies (Mexico)

Knut Dethlefsen

Representative to the US and Canada of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Layla Zaidane

Executive Director & COO | Millennial Action Project
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