
Elena Marushiakova

works in the field of Romani studies for more than four decades and is currently based at the University of St Andrews.

Daša Šašić Šilović

Bojan Glavaševć

Nikica Kolar

Senada Selo Sabic

Przemysław Sadura

Professor University of Warsaw

Susanne Wixforth


Cécile Kashetu Kyenge

lian politician and ophthalmologist. She was the Italian Minister for Integration in the 2013–14 Letta Cabinet. From 2014 until 2018, she was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in the S&D Group.

Neera Tanden

Pierre Larrouturou

Currently General Rapporteur for the next EU budget, Pierre Larrouturou is funder and member of the French political party Nouvelle Donne. Authors of several books.

Dan Jorgensen

Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities from 27. June 2019, Dan Jørgensen is also the former vice-chairman of the parliamentary group of the Social Democratic Party, 2017-2019. He's Member of the Folketing - the Danish Parliament-, for the Social Democratic Party in Funen greater constituency from June 18th 2015.
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