
Enrique Barόn Crespo

Mitchell A Orenstein

Kate Hudson

Ralf-Uwe Beck

Adriano Iaria

Péter Niedermüller

Nils Schmid

Panagiotis Ioakeimidis

 is Member of the FEPS Scientific Council, Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Susi Meret

is Associate Professor in Comparative Migration Politics and Ethnic Relations in the Social Sciences, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, DK. Her main expertise is within populist radical right parties in Europe, populism, political extremes and politically motivated violence. She coordinated the research network on Nordic Populism (NOPO) and participated to several Nordic and European projects.

Marilena Koppa

 PhD, is an Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at Panteion University and author of several articles and books on Balkan Politics, minority issues, democratization, nationalism and European politics.

Maj Jensen Christensen

Secretary General of Young European Socialists.  Maj was vice president of DSU Denmark 2014-2016 and Secretary General in the same organisation 2016-2018.

Sofie Holme Andersen

holds a Master of Science in Economics and works for the Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM) since 2018. Before she was employed by the Danish Economic Councils.
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