Survey: European Observatory on Sexism and Sexual harassment at work


On the occasion of the anniversary of the eruption of the Weinstein affair (5 October 2017) and the many similar allegations it triggered in all sectors of activity, the Jean Jaurès Foundation and the European Foundation for Progressive Studies (FEPS) asked Ifop for a major survey to measure the extent of gender-based or sexual violence suffered by European women at their workplaces. Filling a gap in reliable or recent data on the subject – the last European study on the subject dates back to 2012 – this survey conducted in the five biggest countries of the European Union (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom) makes it possible to quantify gender-based or sexual assaults suffered by women in the professional realm while breaking certain stereotypes about victims’ characteristics or the profile of their harassers.

Results of the survey (EN)

Results of the survey (FR)

Analysis of the results (EN)

Analysis of the results (FR)

Media Coverage

Photo: David MG /

Fondation Jean-Jaurès
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