European Forum 2023

7th Edition of the European Forum of Left, Green and Progressive Forces

10 - 12/11/2023
09:30 - 14:00
Madrid, Spain
European Forum 2023

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FEPS, in collaboration with Transform! Europe and Green European Foundation, organised two workshops on the occasion of the 7th edition of the European Forum that took place in Madrid this year from 10 to 12 November. More information can be found on the conference website.

Workshop 1: The role of the state – 11 November 9:30-11:30

Forging a socio-ecological welfare state defined by wellbeing within planetary boundaries could be the chance to face the polycrisis. Indeed, our welfare states should ensure universal access to high-quality essential services such as clean, affordable and energy-efficient housing and mobility, as well as strengthened social protection systems that mitigate the devastating consequences of climate change and environmental degradation. A new socio-ecological state would have a responsibility in enabling policy frameworks so citizens everywhere can take into their stride the new challenges brought about by digital breakthroughs and the climate crisis. By implementing social policies that tackle socio-economic inequalities, reduce our carbon emissions and limit our environmental impact, socio-ecological welfare states stand the chance to improve people’s quality of life and strengthen their resilience to shocks.

Workshop 2: Energy and climate change – 11 November 12:00-14:00

In the current context marked by a severe energy price hike and the cost-of-living crisis, socioeconomic and environmental considerations have gained growing momentum. At the heart of this lies the need to  avoid  energy  poverty  and   protect  the  vulnerable.  An  answer  to  this  issue  could  be  the implementation of Energy Minimum Rights to ensure citizens, regardless of their status in society, have access to sustainable energy of quality (in line with the triple AQ(S) standard of  international human  rights). So  far  REPowerEU  has  focused  more  on behavioural  change (also  supported  by  the  EU ‘Save Energy communication’) and not necessarily deep structural transformation when actually this is where the real impact of REPowerEU could lie. This crisis comes with a disruptive potential for the European political and economic status quo, and there is potential to  introduce  improved  distribution  of  energy  supplies  in  order  to  meet  the  basic  needs  of  citizens. This would also intersect with the capacity to boost the development of energy communities that ensure decentralised energy security. This workshop aimed to explore the political and social potential of distributive measures in energy policy.

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Luis Sáez Jiménez, Project Officer, at

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