#31 FEPS Talks ‘Artificial Intelligence: power and politics’

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Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU’s digital policy

Digital regulatory power but technology taker

How do we create an ecosystem for the European digital model

A Digital Union based on European values

FEPS Primer series - Ivana Bartoletti

Getting the goods

Trade unions and strategy in the quick-commerce sector
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‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem’ Flickr album

Photo album of the event ‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem‘ Despite its role […]

‘Europe’s Digital Strategy for the new EU cycle’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Europe’s Digital Strategy for the new EU cycle’ expert roundtable at […]

Shaping Europe’s digital model Flickr album

Photo album of the Shaping Europe’s digital model event in the European Parliament In the […]

‘Transforming capitalism in the Age of AI’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ‘Transforming capitalism in the Age of AI‘ event in Brussels. EU […]
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FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU's digital policy
European Parliament, Brussels

Shaping Europe’s digital model

Building alliances for a progressive European vision
Claridge, Brussels

Transforming capitalism in the Age of AI

European and progressive approach to digital transformation
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Digital programme: Algorithms at the workplace

FEPS, together with Nordic partners, launched a Digital Programme on algorithmic management and workers' rights
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In the media

Quick commerce – not turning a fast buck

by Social Europe 15/05/2023
Article on Social Europe by the authors of 'Back to the Dark Ages?' FEPS Policy Study about the quick-commerce workers' rights.

PR | #Media4Europe Conference: ”Innovation, Content & Data To Transform The NEWS Business” – Fondation EURACTIV
