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Progressive Yearbook 2025

2024 was announced as a ‘super election’ year. In fact, about half of the world’s […]

Forging the new EU agenda

Progressive inputs for European economic policy

Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU’s digital policy

A unified industrial strategy for the EU

Industrial policy recommendations to promote decarbonisation, competitiveness and cohesion in Europe
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Competitiveness and Industrial Policy Beyond Buzzwords with Lukas Bertram

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast How can Europe achieve a unified industrial strategy that balances competitiveness […]

Competitiveness and Industrial Policy Beyond Buzzwords with Lukas Bertram

🔊📺 Available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast How can Europe achieve a unified industrial […]

‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem’ Flickr album

Photo album of the event ‘Time to build a European digital ecosystem‘ Despite its role […]

‘Climate progress in the EU and the world’ Flickr album

Photo album of the ”Climate progress in the EU and the world’ Flickr album‘ event […]
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FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Time to build a European digital ecosystem

Recommendations for the EU's digital policy
FEPS HQ, Brussels

FEPS New Year Reception & Progressive Yearbook launch

6th edition
FEPS HQ, Brussels

Industrial Renewal – No strategy, no party

Policy study launch
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Notice of vacancy – Policy Analyst on Climate and Environment

This vacancy closed on 25 October 2024

Spanish Minister Teresa Ribera awarded FEPS ‘Progressive Person of the Year’

FEPS Progressive Person of the Year 2023-2024

A new social contract for the well-being of people and the planet

Call to action on Just Transition

Digital programme: Algorithms at the workplace

FEPS, together with Nordic partners, launched a Digital Programme on algorithmic management and workers' rights
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In the media

Study: EU needs a clear strategy for digital independence

by Europe.Table 09/12/2024
Read the coverage of our policy study 'Time to build a European digital ecosystem', in which experts call for the development of a European digital industrial policy.

Regolamentare l’Intelligenza artificiale è la prossima frontiera progressista

by Gil Stati Generali 17/11/2024
The study "Algorithmic Management in the workplace| is discussed in this article on the implications of algorithmic managemnet on workers

COP climate talks not fit for purpose and need reform, say climate leaders

by Reuters 15/11/2024
Read this Reuters article about the open letter calling for a comprehensive reform of the climate conferences, with Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, among the signatories

Las COP ya “no sirven” y deben ser reformadas, claman expertos en política climática

by La Vanguardia 15/11/2024
"COPs are “no longer useful” and in need of reform, say climate policy experts" Read this article of La Vanguardia about an open letter sent to Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, calling for a comprehensive reform of the climate conferences. Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, is among the signatories.