
For a New, Fair and More Inclusive Multilateralism

#49 FEPS Talks ‘Should we care about inequality?’

#48 FEPS Talks ‘For a new, fair and inclusive multilateralism’

#47 FEPS Talks ‘An EU Digital Green Deal?’

#46 FEPS Talks ‘Belarus has woken up – the struggle for self-determination thanks to women, workers and youth’

#45 FEPS Talks ‘For an effective EU Child Guarantee’

#44 FEPS Talks ‘The migration flows in the Mediterranean in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic’

#43 FEPS Talks ‘The New German Ideology’

#42 FEPS Talks ‘Towards a more resilient, progressive Europe through feminist leadership!’

#41 FEPS Talks ‘Socialising Green Deal & more international cooperation – two-folder path towards the post-COVID times’

#40 FEPS Talks ‘Tracking populism and the far right’

#39 FEPS Talks ‘Modernising politics: how to run an inclusive and participatory programmatic debate?’

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