
#38 FEPS Talks ‘Towards a Child Union: the need for a flexible and high quality childcare’

#37 FEPS Talks ‘Economy, society and race: an EU-US reflection’

#36 FEPS Talks ‘Inequalities and health: a worrisome tie worsened by the pandemic’

#35 FEPS Talks ‘A Europe that works for women’

#34 FEPS Talks ‘World Environment Day – Time for Nature’

#33 FEPS Talks ‘After three chapters – what comes next for social democracy?’

#32 FEPS Talks ‘EU Convergence at stake in the COVID crisis’

#31 FEPS Talks ‘Artificial Intelligence: power and politics’

#30 FEPS Talks ‘The great COVID strike on our jobs and lives’

#29 FEPS Talks ‘Future of Europe: Bigger challenges call for greater political ambition’

#28 FEPS Talks ‘For European solidarity, in a fight against undemocratic forces’

#27 FEPS Talks ‘For a Gender-sensitive response to COVID19!’

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