
#14 FEPS Talks ‘A Federalist conversation about The Future of Europe’

#13 FEPS Talks ‘A Europe of Fraternity: A 2020 outlook’

#12 FEPS Talks ‘Europe as a Gentle Giant’

#11 FEPS Talks ‘A Europe that protects: The evolution of the social dimension of the EU’

#10 FEPS Talks ‘What prospects for the European enlargement to the Western Balkans?’

#9 FEPS Talks ‘Technology and inequality: an inevitable relation?’

#8 FEPS Talks ‘Hopes of ensuring a sustainable planet, from a youth perspective’

#7 FEPS Talks ‘Eradicating violence against women’

#6 FEPS Talks ‘Scenarios for 2020 U.S. Elections. What are the chances for Democrats?’

#5 FEPS Talks ‘European values at jeopardy’

#4 FEPS Talks: Millennials and Politics with Maj Jensen

#3 FEPS Talks ‘EMU Reform and Competitiveness with Agnès Bénassy Quéré’

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