
(VIDEO) #135 FEPS Talks: For a renewed and re-empowering global ambition

#135 FEPS Talks ‘For a renewed and re-empowering global ambition’

“A credible future #BeyondGrowth is a feminist future” Laeticia Thissen

“Something is radically wrong with the way we measure wealth and prosperity” Maria João Rodrigues

COVID-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy

Next Left Focus Group

Participation in the IV Congress Forum Postępu

#134 FEPS Talks ‘Green Data: on the interplay of the twin transitions of digitalisation and climate’

EP Open Day 2023

Building a new narrative for a Just Transition

#133 FEPS Talks ‘The successes and critical aspects of the NextGenEU’

The future of armaments, disarmaments and human security

#132 FEPS Talks ‘Dark stores: Are the riders squeezed for super-fast grocery delivery?’

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