Let’s keep moving – Smart, sustainable and fair transport policy solutions for Europe


12:30 - 14:00
Rue Belliard 101, 1040 Brussels, (room 63, 6th floor)
Let’s keep moving – Smart, sustainable and fair transport policy solutions for Europe

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FEPS and the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions are organising a series of lunch debates with an invited audience in Brussels, bringing together political experience and outside expertise to challenge existing perceptions and open up to new ideas.

Traffic is a challenge for cities and regions all over the EU. Developing more sustainable forms of transport, avoiding congestion, improving air quality and preserving urban centres while keeping them attractive for living, working and doing business, require innovative solutions. At the same time, mobility is a social issue because more and more people are long distance commuters and they therefore depend on affordable, reliable and accessible forms of public transport. Intelligent traffic management, the promotion of sustainable forms and means of transport and the integration of all different systems are therefore the key elements of an overall sustainable mobility policy. The European Union is setting many of the parameters of these policies, and it will then depend on the local, regional and national levels of governance to find appropriate solutions on the ground.


Antonio COSTA – Mayor of Lisbon (Portugal) and CoR rapporteur on the White Paper on a single European Transport Area
Laurent DAUBY – Director of knowledge and membership services at the International Association of Public Transport (UITP)

PES Committee of the Regions
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