‘Confronting the populist wave: an interactive workshop’


13 - 15/10/2014
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
FEPS Office. Rue Montoyer 40. Brussels FEPS Office. Rue Montoyer 40. Brussels
‘Confronting the populist wave: an interactive workshop’

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Interactive workshop on responding to populist politics 

Hosted by FEPS and Counterpoint. 

When? October 14, 12.30 to 14.30 (lunch provided)

Where? FEPS office, Rue Montoyer 40 – 1000 Brussels.

In recent years, populist parties have become a solidifying presence on Europe’s political scene. Despite claims that populism is just a ‘flash in the pan’ and will disintegrate before long, populist parties have continued to prosper and in some countries have achieved a remarkable level of political influence. In last May’s European Parliament elections, populist parties topped the polls in the UK, France and Denmark; in last week’s general election in Sweden, the populist radical right Sweden Democrats more than doubled its previous score to achieve third place.

In the aftermath of these results, our workshop offers an opportunity to explore why this has happened and what mainstream parties can do in response. What are the roots of populism’s appeal? How can a counter-narrative to populism be built? And who should mainstream voters target? In this interactive workshop, we will explore how best to address populism, focusing on policy, strategy and rhetoric.

The workshop will include fresh analysis of electoral data and group debate on new strategies for countering populist parties. It will be facilitated by Marley Morris from Counterpoint and David Kitching from FEPS. We will offer a light lunch at 12.30 and then begin the workshop at 13.00.

RSVP to Marley Morris at marley.morris@counterpoint.uk.com to confirm your place. Spaces are limited so please book as soon as you can. Feel free to forward on this invitation to interested colleagues. We hope to see you on the 14th.

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