Launch of the Millennial Dialogue Report Senegal

Launch of the Millennial Dialogue Report Senegal, a joint-initiative of the Foundation for European Progressive […]

16 - 17/12/2016
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Saint Louis, Senegal Saint Louis, Senegal
Launch of the Millennial Dialogue Report Senegal

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Launch of the Millennial Dialogue Report Senegal, a joint-initiative of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Global Progressive Forum (GPF) in collaboration with the Imagine Africa Institute (IAI) 

Today, all over the world there is clear downward trend with regards to the political participation of young people. Nowadays, young people are not enthusiastic with contemporary politics and political parties, no matter what side of the political spectrum. Whilst politicians depict young people as apathetic and disengaged, these youngsters are rejecting today’s traditional politics and expressing deep disillusionment towards (career seeking) politicians. All over the globe, the relationship of young people and politics is complex and often charged with prejudice. Such a rapport has been the propellant for FEPS to engage in the most multilayer, multilateral and multiplied research project with regards to young people and their engagement with politics of today: the Millennial Dialogue (focusing on the youth – ‘Millennials’ – those aged between 15-35, born between 1980-2000). 

An important part of this study was conducted in 3 African countries: Senegal, South Africa and Mozambique. And the results are not only striking but myth-busting the generalised negative perceptions on the Millennial generation. Millennials are not apathetic at all, to the contrary, they express very clearly a willingness to engage and have a strong view on what public policies matter and that are important to them. On this exciting occasion the Millennial Dialogue report on Senegal will be presented and compared to other results all over the world and discussed in a public debate with experts, academics, progressive politicians and young people!

In Africa, Millennials democratic engagement is complex. On the one hand, African Millennials are demanding more democracy and development efforts from their respective governments but on the other, their active participation in political life is not significant. Their marginalisation from the political forums results from various reasons but it does not mean that they are not engaged. Millennials in Africa are in fact engaging in a multitude of initiatives connected to development and to societal progress. Hence African Millennials are engaging outside of the framework of institutionalised politics.  

Key note speakers

Mahammed Boun Adballah DIONNE, Prime Minister of Senegal

Prof. Bayedallaye KANE, Rector of the University of Gaston Berger, Saint Louis

Prof. Pierre SANÉ, President of the Imagine Africa Institute

Dr. Ernst STETTER, Secretary General of FEPS

Prof. Mame Penda BA, Political Sciences Researcher of the University of Gaston Berger, Saint Louis

M. Mignane DIOUF, Coordinator for Senegal, World Social Forum 

Programme + Participants

Millennial Dialogue Senegal report 

Millennial Dialogue South Africa report

Millennial Dialogue Mozambique report

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