The Future of the Visegrad Group: Mapping the Interests within the V4

The first Roundtable in Berlin hosting academics and researchers from the Visegrad countries will focus […]

09 - 10/10/2017
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Das Progressive Zentrum Werftstraße 3, 10557 Berlin Das Progressive Zentrum Werftstraße 3, 10557 Berlin
The Future of the Visegrad Group: Mapping the Interests within the V4

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The first Roundtable in Berlin hosting academics and researchers from the Visegrad countries will focus on mapping the interests within the V4. The subsequent European Roundtable with experts and politicians from the Visegrad countries and the EU level is scheduled to take place in Brussels, in 24 October 2017. During the meeting, possible future scenarios for the V4 group will be sketched and progressive alliances examined. 

The Visegrad Group (V4) was founded in 1991 by the Presidents of the Czechoslovak Republic, Poland, and the Prime Minister of Hungary to overcome historic animosities and succeed in social transformation. Fostering European integration was an ultimate objective, as all four countries always believed in being part of the common European heritage. Today, the Visegrad group plays an active role in the European dialogue, however with different consequences for European integration: its initial Euro-enthusiasm seems to have weakened, the migration challenge has proven that the Visegrad countries are capable of one-cause mobilisation, however there are more and more visible cracks in this alliance. What is the perception of the Visegrad Group at the European level today? What role could it play in the processes of European integration? Are there any chances for progressive alliances in the region?

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