Breakfast Meeting – Next Left: Rebuilding the European Left


00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Manchester, UK
Breakfast Meeting – Next Left: Rebuilding the European Left

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Next Left: Rebuilding the European Left


Breakfast Meeting from 7.30 – 9. am – Manchester Town Hall

Participation by registration only (via Melanie Alpin, Fabians Society

Refreshments will be provided.

FEPS and Fabian Society Breakfast Meeting at the Fringe of the Labour Party Conference

Following a well-established tradition of the breakfast seminars, also this year FEPS together with the Fabian Society is delighted to invite to a debate that is to focus on ideological dilemmas and political opportunities that the centre left is facing both in the UK and the rest of Europe. The unique composition of the panel, bringing together British politicians and commentators, as well as international guests from the sister parties will ensure a variety of perspectives that altogether shall frame an answer on what the adequate strategy shall be towards the elections of 2014 and 2015. Additionally, the meeting will be an occasion to meet the editors of the FEPS – Fabian Society newest pamphlet “The shape of things to come. Labour’s new thinking”.

Tentative list of speakers already includes:



Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Senior Research Fellow



John Denham MP

Richard Howitt MEP

Axelle Lemaire MP France

Urban Ahlin, MP Sweden (tbc)

Fabian Society
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