29 - 30/04/2024
Madrid, Spain
Ferraz 70. Moncloa - Aravaca, Madrid
Triple transition: How to govern and deliver social progress?

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Kicking off the new cycle of the Next Left Focus Group, FEPS, the Karl Renner Institute and the Next Left Research Program were hosted by the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) in their headquarters in Madrid. Over two days, starting April 29, 2024, the Next Left Focus Members were joined by key political figures and experts in a series of discussions and expert meetings.

The open event program kicked off on Tuesday 20 April, with a welcome from PSOE leaders, followed by a public event on “Governing social progress in times of triple transition”. A panel then explored how AI can prioritise human needs, featuring voices from the political sphere, privacy and AI governance, and international affairs, moderated by FEPS’s Director for Research and Training, Ania Skrzypek.

The day also included exclusive sessions between Focus Group members, PSOE and government officials discussing the latest research policy findings and successful strategies put in place by a progressive government. Conclusions and plans for future steps were drawn by high-profile figures from the Spanish progressive community.

Triple transition: How to govern and deliver social progress?

Next Left Members were joined by key political figures, including PSOE leaders and government representatives such as:
– Minister for Digital Transformation and Public Function José Luis Escrivá
– MP and PSOE President Cristina Narbona
– MP and PSOE Secretary of International Politics and Cooperation Hana Jalloul
– MP and PSOE Spokesperson for Artificial Intelligence in the Economy and Digital Transformation Commission Luisa Sanz
– Senator and PSOE Secretary of Electoral Action and Training Javier Izquierdo
– S&D Group MEP and FEPS Scientific Council Chair Lina Galvéz

More information about this event can be found in the press release of the PSOE.

The Next Left research programme, launched in 2009 by FEPS and the Karl-Renner Institut, provides progressive stakeholders with key analyses regarding the state and future of social democracy in Europe. The 15th edition of Next Left Focus Group is composed of 15 top-level scholars:

  1. Anna Paczesniak, Professor of Political Science at the University of Wrocław
  2. Carlo D’Ippoliti, Associate professor of political economy at the Department of
  3. Dimitris Tsarouhas, Professor of International Affairs, Global Fellow at the Wilson Center
  4. Eric Sundström, Research fellow and Communication strategist, Swedish Trade Union
    Confederation (LO)
  5. Eunice Goes, Professor of Politics, Richmond American University
  6. Felix Butzlaff, Postdoctoral Fellow at CEU’s Department of Public Policy, Central European
  7. Hannah Jalloul, MP, Secretary of International Politics and Cooperation, PSOE, Professor,
    Madrid University Carlos III
  8. Kaisa Vatanen, Senior Insights Manager, Dataprixs
  9. Kevin Cunningham, Lecturer in Politics, Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, Ireland
  10. Konstantin Vössing, Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) of Comparative Politics in the
    Department of International Politics, City University of London
  11. Lorenza Antonucci, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and
    Criminology and Deputy Head of Research, the College of Social Sciences, University of
    Birmingham (excused)
  12. Margaret Haderer, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Technical University Vienna
  13. Patrick Diamond, Professor of Public Policy, QMUL, Director, Mile End Institute, Trustee,
    Cambridge House
  14. Przemyslaw Sadura, Professor, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
  15. Tomas Petricek, non-residential fellow, Centre of Global Political Economy, the Institute of
    International Relations

NextLeft Focus Group scholars will produce an original research paper subjected to peer review and public debates that will feed into the Next Left book series. Check out the latest book, ‘Progressive Ambition: How to shape Europe in the next decade‘.

For more information, please connect with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training (ania.skrzypek@feps-europe.eu) or Céline Guedes, Project Officer (celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu)

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