Call to Europe Dublin – Thinking Outside the Ballot Box: Democracy and the EU


00:00 - 00:00
Dublin Hilton, Charlemont PL, Saint Kevin’s Dublin, Ireland
Call to Europe Dublin – Thinking Outside the Ballot Box: Democracy and the EU

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European Democracy is at a critical juncture. Diminishing faith in government, rising populism, increasing constraints on civil society and democratic participation, and flouting of the rule-of-law are just some of the worrying trends we are seeing across the continent. In response to this challenging environment, FEPS and TASC will host the conference, ‘Thinking Outside the Ballot Box’, that will bring leading democracy advocates from across Europe to address these growing challenges.

As part of the Call to Europe initiative, FEPS and TASC aim at bringing about a positive, progressive and participatory discussion among participants and attendees for democracy regeneration in the EU. Three conference sessions and various experts representing democratic practices at the local, national and European levels will debate how to combat the democratic deficit through innovative solutions.

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