Platforms, precarious work and the public good. Can platforms empower workers?


00:00 - 00:00
Rue Montoyer, 40. 1000 Brussels
Platforms, precarious work and the public good. Can platforms empower workers?

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A discussion based on new research findings from 13 European countries.

According to research that will be published for the first time at the event, platform work is still on the rise across Europe, with particularly high levels in countries where average earnings are low, and with most of the work carried out as a supplement to other forms of work. It reveals important labour market trends across Europe, linked to precarious work and the spread of digitally-enabled ‘platform practices’ across the labour market.

Join us for a debate on the policy responses that are needed. How can we make sure that flexibility does not equal income insecurity? What policies are necessary to ensure platform workers have access to social protection? Can platform technology also be a vehicle for the public good, and enhance worker autonomy and security, and promote a better work-life balance?

From 11:00 to 14:30. Lunch will be provided at 12:30

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