Building a climate proof EU-Africa partnership

13th October – From 14.00 to 15.30 In the framework of Africa week organised by […]

00:00 - 00:00
Building a climate proof EU-Africa partnership

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13th October – From 14.00 to 15.30

In the framework of Africa week organised by the S&D Group in the European Parliament, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, in partnership with the Foundation Max Van der Stoel (FMS) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), invites you to the webinar debate ‘Building a climate proof EU-Africa Partnership’, which will take place on October 13th between 14.00 and 15.30.

Our common house is on fire and we need to extinguish it. Emissions and climate change do not stop at borders. Europe and Africa are deeply connected and whatever happens on one side of the Mediterranean Sea frequently has consequences on the other side too. This conference session aims to consider ways the relationship and policies between the two continents can better bring about a fairer, climate-proof socio-economic approach to better protect people and planet.

The 4th edition of the Africa Week Initiative will take place online from Tuesday 13 to Thursday 15 October 2020.

More details on the event and how to join the online webinars and debates available here.

Join our progressive politicians, leading activists and high level experts as they debate on how to shape EU-Africa relations and share new perspectives for common challenges in fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Africa Agenda 2063.

From digital transformation to democracy and education, we’ll debate the most pressing challenges that both continents have to address, while also focusing on how culture and art can help promote social justice and female empowerment. Discussions will showcase contributions of African diaspora to development and on their role in job creation, enterprise and investment.

Programme of the session

Full Programme Africa week


Speakers confirmed:

Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director at Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA is a continental coalition of Civil Society Organizations from diverse backgrounds in Africa), Member of FEPS United for Climate Justice Steering Committee

Andreas Scheider, MEP, GPF co Chair

Miriam Dalli, MEP, S&D Vice President for a Green New Deal

Celine Fabrequette,Policy Assistant at Ecolise, Founder of #DiasporaVote! WebTV Host of Ma Vie Citoyenne Europe

Nisreen Elsaim,UN Secretary General Youth Advisory Panel on Climate Change, Sudan

Rebecca Thissen,Policy officer for Climate Justice and Sustainable Development at CNCD

Dr. Stephen Adaawen, Researcher and international consultant, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 


Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
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