Ahead and beyond the elections

What are the major European political and social trends in 2024

09:00 - 13:30
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting)
Ahead and beyond the elections

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The Analytical Conference ‘Ahead and beyond the elections: what are the major European political and social trends in 2024‘ was designed as a new addition to the Next Left Research Programme, which was established in 2009 and has developed to become a prolific initiative focused on the renewal of social democracy.

In the turbulent times marked by COVID-19; by the brutal Russian invasion on Ukraine and all the war’s consequences; amid profound digital, environmental, and demographic transformations; there appear to be many anxieties within our societies and strong demands to provide viable, long-term solutions.


To answer these and anticipate the future ones, the Progressives should gain a better understanding of what the existing surveys and polls reflect. Even if – or perhaps especially when – these instructive insights would take them out of the relative inner-focus comfort zone.

Hence, in the hope of such an honest, critical, and strategic conversation, FEPS and Karl-Renner-Institut launched this Analytical Conference, hoping it would lay the foundations for the new Progressive Pollsters Network

This event was upon invitation only. For more information, please connect with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training (ania.skrzypek@feps-europe.eu) or Céline Guedes, Project Officer (celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu). 

Karl Renner Institut
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